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 Elfes de sang

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Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 34
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2006

Elfes de sang Empty
MessageSujet: Elfes de sang   Elfes de sang EmptyDim 17 Déc - 15:56

(ps: voir deuxième post pour une description des Elfes de sang affilié Horde en Français)

Elf, Blood
Description: A small group of high elves survived Arthas' razing of Quel'Thalas and the Sunwell's destruction. Caught in the midst of the Scourge, the elves struggled to survive, bereft of their homes, their allies and their families. One band of survivors, led by the wizard Kael'thas, so deeply grieved for the fallen that they named themselves "blood elves" to honor the dead. Desperate and devoid of magical foundation, the blood elves soon turned to other sources for power. They joined Illidan Stormrage to seek new strength and take vengeance.

The blood elves are a manic race, utterly focused on arcane power. They exist only to garner arcane energy and crush all who stand in their way. Their drive for magical power and sustenance fuels all they do, and they do not care how or from what they get that power. They have become so adept in their craft that they actively hunt demons and drain their infernal energies. Blood elves roam Azeroth, searching for magical artifacts and powerful wizards that they can bleed for power.

Blood elves are not a kind race. Their only aim is to further themselves and their quest for arcane energy. They are united by this common goal and pursue it ruthlessly.

Appearance: Blood elves are physically identical to high elves, save that they dress primarily in blacks and reds to remind themselves of their terrible losses. Many paint runes or mysterious tattoos on their faces, arms and shoulders for warding off demons or celebrating significant kills or simply to look intimidating - something high elves would never do. As well, they adopt hair styles that go against the norms of high elf society.

Region: Blood elves have no permanent settlement on Azeroth; the only blood elf communities are located in Outland, the extradimensional wasteland of Illidan's exile. Many blood elves have insinuated their way back into the world and seek out places rich in magical power - such as Ashenvale Forest. Some blood elves, steeped so thick in pain and anger, have joined the Shadow Council in Felwood (see Warcraft RPG, Chapter Three: Adventuring, "Faiths," Burning Legion and Chapter Six: Campaigning, "The Enemy," Demon Cults).

Affiliation: Independent. Blood elves feel betrayed by the Alliance and are enemies of both humanity and the night elves. The blood elves try to draw the remaining high elves into their fold - a concept the goodly high elves view with horror and revulsion. Indeed, the existence of the blood elves demonstrates the depth of the corruption possible for this once mighty race, and the high elves seek to make amends for evils wrought by their demented kin.

Blood elves get along well with the naga - with whom they share Highborne ancestry - and other independent factions. Thay are not welcome in Alliance lands, and the Horde also recognizes the blood elves as dangerous, volatile and ultimately destructive.

Blood Elf Racial Traits

* +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution. Like the high elves, blood elves are a magically adept race, but their slight frames make them frail.
* Medium: As Medium creatures, blood elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Blood elf base land speed is 30 feet.
* +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting spells or effects.
* Low-Light Vision: Blood elves can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
* Arcana Ability: Blood elves with Intelligence scores of 10 or higher have the racial ability to cast four 0-level spells (cantrips) each day, chosen from the sorcerer and wizard spell lists (see Player's Handbook, Chapter 11: Spells, "Sorcerer/Wizard Spells"). They cast these spells as a 1st-level sorcerer in all respects: they need not prepare these spells in advance, they may cast them in any combination up to their spell limit and they are subject to any chances of arcane spell failure.

When casting these spells, a blood elf functions as a 1st-level caster for all spell effects dependent on level. This racial ability is handled separately from any spellcasting the blood elf performs as part of any class ability.
* Increased Caster Level: Owing to their long and intimidate study of arcane magic, blood elves are considered to have an effective +1 caster level in all their arcane spellcasting classes. Blood elves do not receive spells earlier or obtain any other benefits for gaining a level in an arcane spellcasting class (such as bonus metamagic or item creation creation feats, class abilities and so on). Rather, the spells that they normally cast are considered 1 level higher in terms of effects such as range, duration, damage and so forth.
* Fel Magics: Blood elves who have levels in sorcerer or wizard have access to the warlock spell list, even if they lack levels in that prestige class. Blood elves who take levels in the warlock prestige class may, once per day, apply the Extend Spell or Empower Spell feat to a casting of any warlock-specific spell as it is being cast without incurring the normal spell slot penalty. Thisuse must be declared before casting the spell, and it is lost if the spell cannot be completed (such as if the blood elf fails a Concentration check).
* Magic Addiction: Blood elves are addicted to arcane energy. A blood elf must spend time each morning resisting the distractions of addiction or suffer a -1 penalty to caster level for all spells and a -2 penalty on all saving throws against spells. Thus, a blood elf can effectively be prevented from casting any spells at all while in the addiction's grip (i.e., reduced to caster level 0). This time is spent the same as if the blood elf was preparing divine or arcane spells, although it is independent of any time actually spent in spell preparation. (This effectively doubles the time a blood elf spellcaster must devote to spell preparation, although the two time periods need not be done in sequence.) Penalties from magic addiction are not cumulative from one day to the newt; a blood elf simply must struggle anew each morning to overcome the addiction's penalties.

Devoting time to resisting the addiction is unnecessary if the blood elf is in the Twisting Nether. In fact, even after leaving the Twisting Nether, its lingering energies are sufficient to stave off the addiction for a number of days equal to the blood elf's Wisdom modifier. Unlike their high elf cousins, blood elves have given themselves over to arcane magics so fully that even moon wells are insufficient to sate their craving.

Night elves and tauren can sense the blood elves' addiction on some mystical level. As such, blood elves suffer a -2 circumstance penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks relating to night elves and tauren.
* Weapon Proficiency: Blood elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat for the longbow, composite longbow, and either the short sword or the rapier (choose at character creation).
* +2 racial bonus on Concentration, Knowledge (arcana), and Spellcraft checks. These skills are also considered class skills for all blood elf characters.
* Automatic Languages: Common and Thalassian.
* Bonus Languages: Darnassian, Dwarves, Eredun, Goblin, Kalimag, Kalimdoran and Orc.
* Favored Class: Sorcerer or wizard. A multiclass blood elf's sorcerer or wizard does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing (see Player's Handbook, Chapter 3: Classes, "Multiclass Characters," XP for Multiclass Characters). Blod elves are known for their heritage as masters of arcane spellcasting; some train their talent (becoming wizards) while others tap into their natural affinity (becoming sorcerers). The choice of sorcerer or wizard as a character's favored class must be selected as soon as the character acquires a level in either the sorcerer or wizard class, and it cannot be changed thereafter.
* Level Adjustment: +1. Due to their arcane power, blood elves are somewhat more powerful yet gain character levels more slowly than most of the other races common to Azeroth. See Starting Characters and Level Adjustment, above, for more details.

Dernière édition par le Dim 17 Déc - 15:57, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 34
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2006

Elfes de sang Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Elfes de sang   Elfes de sang EmptyDim 17 Déc - 15:57

(Extrait du site officiel de The Burning Crusade)

Il y a des milliers d'années, les Bien Nés exilés arrivèrent sur les rives de Lordaeron et fondèrent le royaume enchanté de Quel'Thalas. Ces hauts elfes, comme ils choisirent de se nommer, créèrent au cœur de leurs terres une source immense d'énergies magiques : le Puits de soleil. Avec le temps, ils devinrent dépendants des énergies instables du puits, oubliant toutes les leçons amères que leur peuple avait apprises durant les temps anciens.

Durant la Troisième guerre, le maléfique ancien prince Arthas envahit Quel'Thalas et réduisit en cendres le puissant royaume elfique. Son armée de morts-vivants massacra presque quatre-vingt-dix pour cent de la population des hauts elfes. Puis il se servit des énergies du Puits de soleil pour « ressusciter » Kel'thuzad, une puissante liche, corrompant ainsi les eaux mystiques du puits. Les rares elfes survivants, comprenant qu'ils avaient été coupés de la source de leur pouvoir arcanique, devinrent de plus en plus instables et désespérés.

C'est à l'heure la plus noire pour les elfes que revint Kael'thas Sunstrider, le dernier survivant de la lignée royale de Quel'Thalas. Kael, ainsi qu'on le surnommait, savait que les rescapés de son peuple ne survivraient pas longtemps sans la magie nourricière qui leur donnait autrefois leurs pouvoirs. Renommant ses sujets les elfes de sang, en l'honneur de leurs compatriotes défunts, il leur enseigna comment puiser dans les énergies mystiques ambiantes - et même dans les énergies démoniaques - pour rassasier leur terrible soif de magie. À la recherche d'une nouvelle destinée pour son peuple, Kael'thas s'aventura dans le monde lointain d'Outland où il rencontra l'elfe de la nuit déchu Illidan. Grâce aux enseignements d'Illidan, Kael et ses elfes de sang regagnèrent la plus grande partie de leurs anciens pouvoirs.

Malheureusement, l'utilisation des énergies démoniaques par les elfes de sang les fit mettre à l'écart par leurs anciens compagnons de l'Alliance. Désespérés, les elfes de sang restant sur Azeroth se sont tournés vers la Horde. Ils espèrent qu'elle pourra les aider à rejoindre Outland, où ils retrouveront Kael'thas et la destinée glorieuse qu'il leur avait promise.
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